November Update
East Hill Viewpoint Many thanks to our extremely versatile ranger, Martin, for coming quickly to the rescue to mend the fence at the East Hill…
East Hill Viewpoint Many thanks to our extremely versatile ranger, Martin, for coming quickly to the rescue to mend the fence at the East Hill…
From our new Chairman… Hello. It is all a little strange to be the new Chairman, and I am very grateful to residents for electing…
Big kids and small mark the installation of the new equipment at Gainsborough playpark 24th August, we gathered at the Gainsborough playpark to officially ‘welcome’…
Memorial Bench at the Cemetery The Parish Council has installed a new bench under the Arbour at the cemetery and it will be dedicated to…
Many of you will be aware of the recent campaign, led by Lyn Harrison and the Women’s Institute, to raise money and have installed three…
Gainsborough playpark fun and games! At the time of writing, work is well under way to install the new play equipment at the playpark. It…
Playtime is about to get better! This month we are very much looking forward to the installation of new play equipment at the Gainsborough playpark! …
A path improvement project has been completed successfully at St. John’s, a joint venture between Milborne Port Parish Council and the Parochial Church Council. These…
If you are a keen walker and user of our many wonderful local footpaths, you might be interested to know that a new sign has…
Ben Smith – our litter picking hero Congratulations to teenager Ben Smith who has completed his six-month stint of volunteering for the Parish Council for…
New and exciting developments for our area in June: visit for further details.
Gainsborough Play Area Drinking Water Tap We are very sorry to report that the drinking water tap that was installed last year at the Gainsborough…
Town Hall Clock We reported last month that we were hoping to see the restored clock mechanism and face reinstalled by the end of March…
New hedge plants at Gainsborough Some allotment tenants and local residents were concerned about the gap in the hedge on Gainsborough so we hope that…
Getting down to the nitty-gritty We have installed a new grit bin on Pope’s Lane where the road meets the Higher Gunville pathway. Like fire…
Please see below the updated information regarding the virus: Also, some residents might be interested in these: A discussion about guarding mental health during the…
The Parish Council is delighted to welcome a new member of the team in the form of our new ranger, Martin Amos. Some of you…
We would like to say a really big ‘thank you’ to local schoolboy, Ben Smith, who has started a year-long stretch of weekly litter-picking duties…