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Milborne Port Parish Council > Latest News > Uncategorised > January Update

January Update

Getting down to the nitty-gritty

We have installed a new grit bin on Pope’s Lane where the road meets the Higher Gunville pathway.

Like fire extinguishers, things that we must have but hope to never need to use… Like so many things in Local Government, grit bins are not straightforward.  All the grit bins within the Parish are owned by the Parish Council, but it is the responsibility of Somerset County Council to fill them. The Parish Council regularly checks the bins and has been reporting the empty ones to Somerset County Council.  Fingers crossed that they fill the empty ones soon.

New Community Website

Some residents might not be aware that we have a new community website: Milborne Port Community – Working Together.  It is at the same website address as the old one

If you are part of a community group and you would like us to publicise what you are doing, or even if you would like your own page on the website (at no cost to community groups), please get in touch by e-mailing  As well as promoting community events on the website, we will post local news and information.   

Finger post Near Canon Court Farm

Somerset County Council (SCC) is the authority responsible for public rights of way and they do their best, with support from the Parish Council, to keep the public rights of way well signposted and the stiles and gates in good repair.  One of our councillors, Cllr. Debbie Barsby, often walks all the paths and reports defects to SCC and in the summertime, Cllr. Barsby can often be found out with a small group of volunteers, clearing back undergrowth and strimming grass to keep as many footpaths as accessible as possible.

There are others in the village that take a keen interest in the public rights of way as well and it was very disappointing to have been contacted by several of these interested residents at the start of January to report that, once again, the finger post that had been installed by SCC to indicate the public right of way that leads into Canon Court Farm has again been stolen.  This is of course a criminal offence on two counts: one – the criminal damage to have removed it from its anchoring and two – the theft of the sign.  This has now been reported by SCC to the police and we can only hope that it is investigated; if anyone witnesses anything untoward taking place regarding this issue, then do please contact crime stoppers (0800 555 111).

Badger Culling on Parish Council land

At the Full Council meeting in January, the Parish Council passed a motion stating that the Council has set a policy of always refusing permission to cull badgers on Parish Council land.  The motion was passed by a large majority.  Some that supported the motion did so owing to the practicalities and health and safety implications of having people using guns in or near play areas, rather than to make a political statement.

Support for Milborne Port Foodshare

The Parish Council has pledged its full support for the emerging village Foodshare group and has agreed to supply the group with a fridge/freezer and mobile phone.

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