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May Update

At the meeting of the Full Council on 7th May 2024, Cllr. Tim Carty was re-elected as the Chairperson of Milborne Port Parish Council for the coming municipal year.

‘The love of gardening is a seed once sown that never dies.’ – Gertrude Jekyll (1843-1932)

Many thanks to Karen Gough and Clive Laughton for brightening up the bus-stop at Crackmore! Milborne Port in Bloom is sadly no longer able to operate as a group in the village but there is great work being done by individuals, including at the Grove Garden in Church Street, the Ball Court, on Gainsborough, at the cemetery and by Karen and Clive in various part of the village, with support from the Parish Council. And the hanging baskets will also be returning to the High Street in the Summer! If you would like to volunteer to help with the maintenance of the Grove Garden and/or the Ball Court, do get in touch!

Litter Picking Star!

Enormous thanks to Poppy Davis who has finished her three-month stint of litter picking at Gainsborough and Springfield playparks for her Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award. She has done a great job and we are very grateful for her efforts! If there are any other budding-volunteer-litter-picking-young-people out there, do get in touch! We will happily accommodate your needs!

Annual Parish Meeting Report
The report of the meeting held on 23rd April 2024 can be found on the Milborne Port Community website:

How to report problems to Somerset Council
From time to time, residents report problems to us that are outside the remit of the Parish Council, for example overgrowing hedges, obstructed pavements, fly-tipping and potholes. Whilst we often help out by reporting these issues ourselves, it is usually more effective if residents make their own reports as they often have better knowledge and first-hand experience of the impact of the problem and can monitor any developments. It is very easy to make a report via the Somerset Council website:

Parish Council Meetings in June
Full Council: Tuesday 4th; Planning and Environment Committee: Tuesday 18th.
Meetings take place in the Town Hall and start at 7pm. Members of the public are welcome to attend and can address the meeting with questions or comments from 7-7.15pm. If you would like to attend but would experience access difficulties, please let us know in advance and we will relocate to the Community Room downstairs.

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