Annual Parish Meeting
The Annual Parish Meeting will take place on Tuesday 23rd April at 7pm in the Camelot Room at the Village Hall. The Parish Meeting is a meeting of the Parishioners; it is not a meeting of the Parish Council. However, it is chaired by the Chairman of the Parish Council and organised by the Parish Clerks. All local groups will be invited to attend and share information about the activities that their organisations/groups have been involved in during the past year or so. It is a great opportunity to celebrate achievements and contributions to the local community; there will also be a general forum at the end for exchanging of ideas and comments. This is an open meeting so do come along if you would like to learn more about the organisations that make a positive difference to life in Milborne Port and if you would like to share you own ideas and suggestions about how to improve village life. Click here for the agenda.
Town Hall Decoration
Many thanks for your patience during the time of the traffic management that allowed the decoration of the windows and guttering on the north side of the Grade II listed Town Hall to finally take place; we take very seriously our responsibility as steward of this historically precious building. We think that you would be amazed at how challenging it is to find a company willing to take on the organisation of the whole package of the decorating, scaffolding and road traffic management
Contributing to the Community
We are sure that you will join us to thank Poppy Davis who, at the start of March, started a three-month stint of litter-picking at Springfield recreation ground and Gainsborough playpark as part of her Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award. If you see her in action, do give her a cheer!
Parish Council Meetings in April
A change of date for the April Full Council meeting, it is being put back one week.
Full Council: Tuesday 9th; Planning and Environment Committee: Tuesday 16th.
Meetings take place in the Town Hall and start at 7pm. Members of the public are welcome to attend and can address the meeting with questions or comments from 7-7.15pm. If you would like to attend but would experience access difficulties, please let us know in advance and we will relocate to the Community Room downstairs.