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Milborne Port Parish Council > Latest News > Uncategorised > April Update

April Update

Gainsborough Play Area Drinking Water Tap

We are very sorry to report that the drinking water tap that was installed last year at the Gainsborough play area has now been vandalised twice and therefore is currently out of operation. This is such a shame as we know that this facility was much appreciated by most of those using the play area. The Management Committee is currently exploring its options so that the provision of drinking water can resume.  If you have any information about who might be responsible for this vandalism, we urge you to pass on that knowledge by calling 101.

Gainsborough Allotments

The allotments holders are working extremely hard on their plots and it is a delight to walk around the site to see what everyone is planting; it is especially satisfying to see some plots that have been unused for a while gradually come back to life.  The new hedge plants are looking healthy!

Annual Parish Meeting

The Annual Parish Meeting took place remotely on Thursday 1st April at 7pm via Zoom; this was a meeting the parishioners, not a meeting of the Parish Council, but was chaired by the Chairman of the Parish Council and organised by the Parish Clerk.  All local groups were invited to attend and submit a report.  To see a report of the meeting, please go to the Milborne Port Community website or follow this link:

Parish Council Grant for Springfield

At a meeting of the Full Council on 2nd March 2021, councillors approved a grant of £2775 to Milborne Port Memorial Fields Charity; the charity plans to use this money to pay towards the upkeep and maintenance of the recreation ground at Springfield.

Improvements at Johnsons Stalbridge Linen Services, Higher Kingsbury

Last year, the Planning and Environment Committee was approached by some of the tenants of Old Tannery Way who were experiencing levels of noise and dust particles from the laundry which were having an adverse impact on their well-being.  In order to support the tenants in their efforts to encourage the company to carry out improvements to its silencers and filters, the Parish Council wrote to the company to lend support to these tenants.  We have recently learnt that the company has carried out extensive alterations in order to reduce noise and emissions, which is an excellent result, demonstrating that it is possible for interested parties to work together for positive outcomes.

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