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Milborne Port Parish Council > Latest News > Uncategorised > Applications for Community Grants

Applications for Community Grants

Are you involved in a local organisation or group that needs some extra funding to support its activities?  If so, here is an excellent opportunity to access a grant so that you can maintain or develop the service that you provide for the local community.

Milborne Port Parish Council is committed to supporting the local community by continuing to fund groups and organisations that bring direct benefit to residents.  In order to do this, the council sets aside an amount of money to help those groups and organisations and is now inviting them to apply for 2020/2021 funding to support existing or future initiatives.

Last year, the council awarded grants to six local organisations, including the Village Hall Management Group, which applied for a grant to fund the Moviola film showings, and the Play Days scheme.  In so doing, the council was able to make a significant impact on the quality.

This year we are particularly keen to hear from any local group or organisation that is suffering due to the effects of the Covid crisis. The application form is not too onerous, and the Council Officers will be happy to help you complete it.  

The Grants Policy, the Community Grants Criteria and the Grants Application Form can all be found at the following link:

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