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Local Government Overview in Somerset:

There are two tiers of local Government which serve residents in the county of Somerset: 

  • Somerset Council
  • Town or Parish Councils

In Milborne Port, the local authorities are:

  • Somerset Council
  • Milborne Port Parish Council

Which services does each Council provide?…

Somerset Council:

Building Regulations
Car Parks
Concessionary Bus Fares
Council Tax and Council Tax Benefit
Social Housing and Housing Benefit
Economic Development
Education / Schools
The Environment, Waste Disposal and Mineral Sites
Emergency Planning
Fire Brigade
Food Safety and Hygiene
Highways and Road Safety
Libraries and Museums
Local Plans and Planning Applications
Pest Control
Refuse Collection
Rights of Way / Footpaths
Social Services
Sports Centres
Street Cleaning
Trading Standards
Tree Preservation

Visit the Somerset Council website here: Somerset Council

Milborne Port Parish Council:

At the grass roots level are town and parish councils, including Milborne Port Parish Council which has 13 Councillors representing the whole Parish. The Parish Council acts as a consultee and lobbying force with Somerset Council, putting forward the wishes and needs of the local community.

The list of the Statutory Spending Powers of Parish Councils gives examples of things that Parish Councils can do with legislation that provides the power to act and therefore to spend money on.

Somerset Council raises its income in a number of different ways. Council Tax makes up 25% of the revenue, Business Rates 24%, 18% is recovered in fees and charges and the remaining 33% comes from central government. Parish Councils receive no money from central government and receive no contribution from the Business Rates.

Milborne Port Parish Council, on behalf of the resident, manages and maintains:

  • The Town Hall
  • The Cemetery in Wheathill Lane
  • The children’s play area at Springfield Road (next to the Village Hall)
  • The children’s play area at Gainsborough & the skate park (there is also a third play area off Prankerds Road, which is owned by Somerset Council and a fourth play area adjacent to The Brambles which is maintained by a private management organisation).
  • The allotment gardens at Gainsborough
  • East Street car park
  • The Grove Public Garden in Church Street and the Remembrance Garden (aka the Ball Court) off the High Street
  • Public benches, litter bins and dog waste bins (which are then serviced by Somerset Council)
  • The Clump (Bathwell Lane), Rosemary Street ‘triangle’ and the Community Woodland.

The Parish Council also:

  • Helps to maintain the parish footpaths (This is not the responsibility of the Parish Council but something local volunteers do)
  • Has responsibility for maintenance of the closed Churchyard at St. John’s
  • Considers and gives comments on all planning applications in the parish (the final decision on applications is taken by Somerset Council). All planning applications for Milborne Port can be viewed on line here
  • Liaises with Somerset Council on matters of concern relating to the parish.

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