Springfield Play Area Upgraded
The new play equipment has been in use for a number of weeks now and is proving to be extremely popular with our younger residents. There are plans to erect a new fence around the whole area; this work is likely to take place in the Autumn. Many thanks to Cllr. Lockey and Cllr. Wagner for carrying out much of the planning and organisation involved in this great development.
Invitation to the Ball… (Court!)
Are you a keen gardener with some time to spare? We are looking for volunteers to help with the upkeep of the plants and flowerbeds at the Ball Court, which are funded by the Parish Council. Our volunteers who look after the Grove Garden in Church Street could also use an extra pair of green-fingered hands. If you would like another or a different gardening challenge, why not put your name on the waiting list for an allotment plot? Do get in touch!
More Funs and Games – Date for your Diary
We are delighted to welcome back to the village Somerset Council’s ‘Playdays’ initiative with another Milborne Port event at Springfield on Tuesday 22nd August, 10am-2pm. We will publish more details nearer the time. Last year’s Playday was a huge success so we are hoping for a repeat performance!
Defibrillators – Volunteer Guardians Needed
Do you have thirty minutes a month to spare to look after the defibrillator at the Village Hall or at the Cemetery? The Guardian role entails checking that equipment is charged and that the keypad is working, cleaning the keypad and replacing the pads when they are out of date; you would also be asked to report your check each month via the The Circuit website. On the rare occasions that the equipment is commissioned, you would need to check it again and replace the pads (if required) as soon as possible. If you could give your time to your community in this way, please get in tou
Parish Council Meetings in July – Full Council: Tuesday 4th July; Planning and Environment Committee: Tuesday 18th July; Management Committee: Tuesday 25th July
Meetings take place in the upstairs chamber of the Town Hall and start at 7pm. Members of the public are welcome to attend and can address the meeting with questions or comments from 7-7.15pm. If you would like to attend but would experience access difficulties, please let us know in advance and we will relocate to the Community Room downstairs.