Poo-bin patience!
We put in a request for a new bin on Wheathill Lane almost two years ago and finally it has arrived! It was paid for by the Parish Council and installed by Somerset District Council. Dog-walkers, please use it!
Wheathill Lane Flooding
The Parish Council has been supporting residents of Wheathill Lane who have been at the mercy of recent flooding, in part caused by drains being blocked by roots, leaves and other debris. The situation has not been helped by motorists driving too fast and without care past the cottages, despite warning signs, sending waves of water under their front doors.
Liaising with Cllr. Dyke from Somerset County Council, we managed to bring SCC Highways on site using a water jet appliance to clear some of the blockages as a temporary measure. SSDC provided some gel sacks and the Parish Council has ordered some sandbags which will form a permanent barrier for the Winter. SCC Highways are exploring the possibility of removing some hedging and digging a rudimentary ditch to drain away the worst of the debris when there is heavy rain, as a temporary measure until the drains can be fixed next Summer.
Applications for Community Grants
Are you involved in a local organisation or group that needs some extra funding to support its activities? If so, here is an excellent opportunity to access a grant so that you can maintain or develop the service that you provide for the local community.
Milborne Port Parish Council is committed to supporting the local community by continuing to fund groups and organisations that bring direct benefit to residents. In order to do this, the council sets aside an amount of money to help those groups and organisations and is inviting them to apply for funding to support existing or future initiatives.
In recent year, grants have been awarded to various local organisations, including the Village Hall Management Group, (which applied for a grant to fund the Moviola film showings), the Play Days scheme, the History and Heritage Group, Milborne Port Primary School’s PTFA and the Springfield Memorial Playing Fields Charity.
The application process is not too onerous, and Council Officers are happy to help you complete it should you require assistance.
The Grants Policy, the Community Grants Criteria and the Grants Application Form can all be found at the following link: http://milborneportpc.org.uk/publications/