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October Update

Affordable Housing Register

Did you know that you could be eligible for one of a number of government schemes that support people who want to buy their own home, like those described as ‘affordable homes’ in new housing developments, such as the Redcliffe development at Wheathill? If you are eligible, you need to register.  Details can be found here:

A different organisation can also help with buying and renting homes: 

Both websites are worth a visit to find out what type of purchase or rental scheme would suit your circumstances.

The Government’s definition of Affordable Housing is as follows: housing for sale or rent, for those whose needs are not met by the market (including housing that provides a subsidised route to home ownership and/or is for essential local workers). 

Community Speed Watch

Are you concerned about speeding motorists on the A30? Could you help to set up a new group? Perhaps you were part of the team that existed a few years ago and can contribute some words of wisdom to the process, even if you cannot at this stage volunteer your time on a practical level… We are looking for enthusiastic volunteers who are happy to coordinate and/or be part of a group to monitor and record the speed of vehicles entering the village.  Please get in touch with Simon or Nathalie if you can help to revive this initiative.

At the Town Hall
A South Somerset District Council SSDC grant (designed to support communities in getting back to normal in a post lock-down world) recently allowed us to have the kitchen and loo redecorated, and we have now had new flooring put down in those areas. It all looks very smart now! Plans are afoot for further improvements to the fabric and interior of the Town Hall.

Memorial Bench for Queen Elizabeth II
A grant has allowed us to purchase a new bench with a plaque commemorating the reign of our recent Queen.  While we are waiting its arrival, we want to ask YOU where you think that it should be installed.  Suggestions would be very welcome by 30th November.  Please bear in mind that suggested locations need to be on land owned by the Parish Council or by other landowners likely to give permission if approached.

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