Laptops for Learners

This initiative is spearheaded by Councillor Sarah Dyke, in partnership with her good friend Simon Barfoot who set up a Community Interest Company called DonateIT. The initiative was born out of the Covid-19 crisis and over the last 20 months or so has collected 600 unwanted devices and provided over 300 refurbished computers, PCs, laptops and tablets to individual pupils and schools, including our own Milborne Port Primary School. This great work looks set to continue beyond the easing of restrictions as there is still a significant need. So, please dust off those devices that you know that you will never use again as Simon’s techies can perform wonders on them and turn them into valuable resources for our young people.
Bring them to our office at the Town Hall on any Tuesday or Wednesday morning between 9am and 12 noon (no monitors or printers, please…) Thank you!
Despite the very welcome recent co-option of David Grant and Margaret Capon, the Council is continuing to encourage more new people to put themselves forward to become Members. Maybe you are new to the Parish and want to become involved with local matters, or maybe you have lived in the village all your life and are now looking to give something back. To qualify, you must be 18 or over and on the electoral register.
The Parish Council is involved in many different activities, from local planning matters, to managing the open spaces and working with our community groups, to delivering projects.
If you have time to spare, skills and experience that you could bring to the role and a genuine interest in our village, why not consider putting yourself forward to become a councillor?
For further information and/or an informal chat about the role, contact our Clerk Simon Pritchard by calling 01963 251267/07375 892631 Tuesday-Thursday, or by e-mailing (see below).
Other Items in Brief:
Ball Court Grouting: Is there anyone out there with some time on their hands and the relevant skills who could complete the grouting work started by our ranger, Martin? This would be paid work, of course! Contact Simon or Nathalie if you are interested. Further, would anyone be willing to help with the weeding? – where all the flooring needs grouting, large weeds are now pushing through. Not a massive job, but certainly one that will involve being on your knees for a while.
At the cemetery: The repair work to the Chapel Museum has been completed! You won’t see much of a difference from the outside (if any) but the History and Heritage Group’s museum curators will certainly appreciate it from within! The spoil heap has been removed for aesthetic reasons and to create better access to the north of the site.
Springfield: An exciting new £35k project is underway to provide an extended and upgraded play area! The funding comes from S106 monies, which are contributions from developers towards the costs of providing community and social infrastructure.
Market Towns Investment Group funding: A recent grant of £9,000 from the MTIG has provided more equipment for the village, including benches and bins. Watch out for these appearing somewhere near you soon!
A new dropped curb: At the request of the Parish Council, Somerset County Council have dropped the curb at the Church Street end of the pathway that runs between Church Place and the churchyard; access for ‘things with wheels’ will be much easier now.