Fun and Games!
We are happy to be supporting South Somerset District Council’s ‘Playdays’ initiative with our very own Milborne Port event at Springfield on Tuesday 9th August, 10am-2pm. Please see the poster for further details! We very much hope for the rain to stay away and that the children of the village enjoy their experience. Activities are free; there will be refreshments on sale. Have fun!
Another Defibrillator Installed!
A new defibrillator has been installed on the wall of the Chapel Museum at the cemetery in Wheathill Lane, funded by Milborne Port Parish Council and South Somerset District Council. The handover took place on 20th July and the defibrillator is now fully operational.
It might be of interest to readers that some of our village defibrillators have been activated; this tells us that calls have been made to the ambulance service and that each time this has happened, a code to the closest cabinet has been given just in case a defibrillator has been needed. This just goes to show that the existence in the village is providing a potential lifeline to residents in need.
New Fencing at Gainsborough
We are really pleased with the new fencing between the playpark and the allotment site at Gainsborough, erected by Jeremy Puzey in the extremely hot weather of mid-July!
Please remember that the allotment gardens site is for allotment tenants only; people should not be walking their dogs there or using it as a cut-through. Dogs are also not permitted on the Gainsborough playpark site.
Two New Councillors Join the Ranks!
We are delighted to welcome Cllrs. David Grant and Margaret Capon, both of whom were co-opted onto the Parish Council on Tuesday 5th July and have already knuckled down to business. They both come with valuable skills, knowledge and experience and will no doubt make a significant contribution to the work of the Council. We are all really looking forward to working with
Despite the very welcome co-option of David Grant and Margaret Capon, the Council is continuing to encourage more new people to put themselves forward to become Members. Maybe you are new to the Parish and want to become involved with local matters, or maybe you have lived in the village all your life and are now looking to give something back. To qualify, you must be 18 or over and on the electoral register.
The Parish Council is involved in many different activities, from local planning matters, to managing the open spaces and working with our community groups, to delivering projects.
If you have time to spare, skills and experience that you could bring to the role and a genuine interest in our village, why not consider putting yourself forward to become a councillor?
For further information and/or an informal chat about the role, contact our Clerk Simon Pritchard by calling 01963 251267/07375 892631 Tuesday-Thursday, or by e-mailing (see below).
Other Items in Brief:
Cemetery Chapel Museum: Essential roof repairs will be carried out in August; scaffolding will be erected for the duration of the works.
Allotment Entrance and Track: These have been scraped back in order to provide better vehicular access; the hope is to resurface the entrance at some point in the near future; we are currently exploring the options regarding surface type.
Ball Court Grouting: Is there anyone out there with some time on their hands and the relevant skills who could complete the grouting work started by our ranger, Martin? He did a great job on part of the surface of the area but does not have the time to do the rest because we are working him so hard elsewhere in the village! This would be paid work, of course! Contact Simon or Nathalie if you are interested.