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June Update

Pud Brook

Some residents might be aware of the damage done by the adverse weather earlier this year to the area by the river on Pud Brook.  Somerset County Council is responsible for the maintenance of the riverbank and work has already been done to remove the fallen tree.  We have been in touch with SCC to try to ascertain the plans for the work that remains to be done to the pavement and to the riverbank wall (also in making the riverbank area safe in the meantime) but so far we have had no information, other than that the issue has been given a code:  WN17/46, Issue 65966.  We will continue to pursue…

Your Community Needs You!

The Parish Council’s membership is still a little low and so the Council is continuing to encourage more new people to put themselves forward to become Members.  Maybe you are new to the Parish and want to become involved with local matters, or maybe you have lived in the village all your life and are now looking to give something back. To qualify, you must be 18 or over and on the electoral register.

The Parish Council is involved in many different activities, from local planning matters, to managing the open spaces and working with our community groups, to delivering projects. 

If you have time to spare, skills and experience that you could bring to the role and a genuine interest in our village, why not consider putting yourself forward to become a councillor?

For further information and/or an informal chat about the role, contact our Clerk Simon Pritchard by calling 01963 251267/07375 892631 Tuesday-Thursday, or by e-mailing (see below).

Laptops for Learners

This initiative is spearheaded by South Somerset District Councillor Sarah Dyke (who has also just been elected as our County Councillor), in partnership with her good friend Simon Barfoot who set up a Community Interest Company called DonateIT.  The initiative was born out of the Covid-19 crisis and over the last 18 months or so has collected 600 unwanted devices and provided over 125 refurbished computers, PCs, laptops and tablets to individual pupils and schools, including our own Milborne Port Primary School.  This great work looks set to continue beyond the easing of restrictions as there is still a significant need.  So, please dust off those devices that you know that you will never use again as Simon’s techies can perform wonders on them and turn them into valuable resources for our young people. 

Bring them to our office at the Town Hall on any Tuesday or Wednesday morning between 9am and 12 noon (no monitors or printers, please…)   Thank you!

Other Items in Brief:

  • Town Hall spruce-up!  A South Somerset District Council grant to support and encourage people to get back to post-pandemic community activities has paid for the much-needed redecoration of the kitchen and loo at the Town Hall.  We are even planning to install a new loo seat!  The Town Hall’s exterior woodwork and drainpipes will be spruced up in July; there will be scaffolding and traffic management for about a week starting around 18th July.
  • Martin the Ranger and his strimmer are back at work following No Mow May; he will be trying to strike a balance between ensuring appropriate visibility and considering the needs of plant life…
  • Annual Parish Meeting:  Report Now Available – There is so much good work being done in our village by volunteer organisations and groups, it is really impressive! To read this report from the meeting, follow this link or go to our website and it is in the Latest News section in the menu on the right:
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