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Milborne Port Parish Council > Latest News > Uncategorised > Parish Council Elections: New Members Needed

Parish Council Elections: New Members Needed

Many of you will already be aware of the forthcoming elections and as you would expect, the Parish Council is very keen to welcome more councillors into its membership. We are encouraging as many local residents as possible to put themselves forward for this very important role.  The Parish Council has 13 seats, but over the last few years we have struggled to fill them all. The local elections in May now offer a good opportunity to welcome a new group of community minded people onto the Council.  

Now is the time to act;

you can be nominated from 9.00am on Monday 21 March, with nominations closing at 4.00pm on Tuesday 5th April. South Somerset District Council manage the entire process, here is a link to their website page  

Why become a Parish Councillor? 

Maybe you are new to the Parish and want to become involved with local matters, or maybe you have lived in the village all of your life and you are now looking to give something back. To qualify, you must be 18 or over and on the electoral register. The Council would benefit from a membership representing various backgrounds and various ages. The Parish Council is involved in many different activities, from local planning matters, to managing the open spaces and working with our community groups, to delivering projects. If you have time to spare, skills and experience that you could bring to the role and a genuine interest in our village, why not consider putting yourself forward to become a councillor?

We will also be trying to get leaflets out to houses and you are very welcome to give the Parish Clerk a call our call into the Parish Office (in the Town Hall) for anymore information and to cover any questions you may have.  

The Parish Council is very keen to welcome more councillors; we are encouraging local residents to volunteer to put themselves forward for this very important role. 

Extra Parish Office Opening Times:

The Parish Office will be open extra hours to help you with your nomination.

We can assist by printing off the forms for you and with the completion.

Parish Office Opening Hours; all 9AM to Midday

  • Tuesday 15th March
  • Wednesday 16th March
  • Saturday 19th March
  • Tuesday 22nd March
  • Wednesday 23rd March
  • Friday 25th March
  • Saturday 26th March
  • Tuesday 29th March
  • Wednesday 30th March
  • Friday 1st April
  • Saturday 2nd April
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