Big kids and small mark the installation of the new equipment at Gainsborough playpark
24th August, we gathered at the Gainsborough playpark to officially ‘welcome’ the new play equipment to the park. Our event was attended by Council members as well as by South Somerset District Councillor Sarah Dyke (pictured below with Cllrs. Robert Tizzard and Tim Carty); some local residents and their children were also present, as well as some residents who were considering co-option onto the Council. We did speak to Cllr. Tom Campbell about his being a little too old for the tractor but he refused to get off…!
A warm welcome to our new Councillors!
We are delighted to announce that at the Full Council meeting on 7th September, two new members were co-opted onto the Council: Lyn Harrison and Anna Wagner. Once they have found their feet, they will be invited to join one or more of our Committees, so more news to follow. Also, we are equally delighted to announce that Cllr. Carty was elected as our new Parish Council Chairman and we look forward to working closely with him during his tenure.
Your Parish Council requires more Members
The Parish Council’s membership is still a little low and so over the next month or so the Council will be continuing to drum up some interest and to encourage some more new people to put themselves forward to become Members.
Maybe you are new to the Parish and want to become involved with local matters, or maybe you have lived in the village all of your life and you are now looking to give something back. To qualify, you must be 18 or over and on the electoral register. The Council would benefit from a membership representing various backgrounds and various ages.
The Parish Council is involved in many different activities, from local planning matters, to managing the open spaces and working with our community groups, to delivering projects.
If you have time to spare, skills and experience that you could bring to the role and a genuine interest in our village, why not consider putting yourself forward to become a councillor?
The deadline for applications for co-option at the November Full Council meeting is 25th October 2021.
For further information and/or an informal chat about the role, contact our Clerk Simon Pritchard by calling 01963 251267/07375 892631 Tuesday-Thursday, or by e-mailing (see below).
Blue Recycling Bags
If you are still without a blue recycling bag or would like a second, we have a stock of these in the Parish Council office in the Town Hall and we can issue one to you if you come to the office on a Tuesday morning between 9am and 12noon; we will ask you for your name, first line of your address and postcode so that we can inform South Somerset District Council that you have been issued with a bag.