Memorial Bench at the Cemetery
The Parish Council has installed a new bench under the Arbour at the cemetery and it will be dedicated to the memory of John Farley (1933-2020), a long-standing member of the community who served on the council and made a significant contribution to the life of the village. His widow, Gill Cleverly, will be providing a plaque for the bench.
Blue Recycling Bags
If you are still without a blue recycling bag, we have a stock of these in the Parish Council office in the Town Hall and we can issue one to you if you come to the office on a Tuesday morning between 9am and 12noon; we will ask you for your name, first line of your address and postcode so that we can inform South Somerset District Council that you have been issued with a bag. If you would like to go on our list for a second blue bag, please e-mail us and we will contact you at some point in October if we have any spare: or call 01963 251268.
There’s No Time Like the Present!
And some of you will have noticed that the recently fixed Town Hall clock is permanently stuck in a ‘present’ of eleven minutes past eleven! We are awaiting the return of the clock man to put things right again… If he hasn’t returned by Remembrance Sunday, our clock will at least be marking the commemorations appropriately…