Changes to Local Government in Somerset
I have taken a few moments to reflect on how local government has changed over not only the last few decades but particularly over the last five years since I have been the Parish Clerk. Five years ago, we had South Somerset District Council (SSDC) operating from Yeovil with other smaller offices spread around the district, including one in Wincanton. SSDC was a well-run council with settled staff; the council had whole teams of people that would assist the Town/Parish councils in creating and completing community projects; they would staff kids’ fun days in the summer and provide grant funding for all sorts of projects. This parish befitted considerably from money granted from SSDC for projects over the years. They also had a team for cutting trees, employed tree wardens to protect the trees and, where able, helped with playgrounds from design to regular inspections; they also used to provide the hanging baskets along the A30.
Sadly, all this and much more has now gone. SSDC has been amalgamated into Somerset Council (SC) and the few services that the new SC offers will be uniformed across the whole of the county. The new SC is already in financial difficulty and the warning of cuts came very early on. We are aware that the planning department is in turmoil, having lost too many staff, particularly senior members. The fear is that SC will start to fail in its statutory duty of providing a planning service.
In September, the Parish Council was told that SC will no longer empty the litter bins that are on Parish Council land, unless the Parish Council buys that service from SC – this is a further £6,500 of cost that is being pushed down on to the Parish Council.
However, a new service is to be introduced by SC where the Parish Council can engage a private company (which has an agreement with SC) that will allow Town/Parish councils to engage this private company to fix potholes or clear out drains. “What’s that?” I hear you cry. “Surely Highways are the responsibility of SC!” Certainly they are, but what is being said is that if the Parish Council want to see things done quickly, they can buy the service themselves, otherwise SC will add them to the (long) list.
So, there is a lot going on and much change; I have provided only a snapshot. Your Parish Council continues to have to work harder and do more just to keep things as they are. In many ways, larger parish councils like Milborne Port are starting to have the feel of a mini district council.
Simon Pritchard, Parish Clerk
Could you become a Parish Councillor?
The Parish Council is very keen to welcome more councillors into its membership and we encourage Milborne Port residents to put themselves forward for this very important role. Maybe you are new to the Parish and want to become involved with local matters, or maybe you have lived in the village for all of your life and you are now looking to give something back. To qualify, you must be 18 or over and on the electoral register. The Parish Council is involved in many different activities, from local planning matters, to managing the open spaces and working with our community groups, to delivering projects. If you have time to spare, skills and experience that you could bring to the role and a genuine interest in our village, why not consider putting yourself forward to become a councillor?
Do get in touch to find out more about the process of becoming a councillor by co-option; you do not need to wait for an election! If you would like to talk to us about the councillor role, pop in to see us in the Parish Council Office any Tuesday morning between 8.30 am and 12.30 pm or on a Wednesday by appointment; you can also call us on 01963 251268 or 07375 892631 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. We are also happy to assist with printing off the forms for you and with their completion. The deadline for applications is midday on Monday 28th October 2024 in time for co-option at the Full Council meeting on Tuesday 5th November 2024.
Community Grants
At the Full Council meeting in September, Councillors approved a grant of £3000 over a period of 6 months to Milborne Port Foodshare and a grant of £7,500 to the Playing Fields Committee. Many thanks to these groups for the important work that they do to improve the health and well-being of our residents!
Another litter-picking volunteer to thank!
We seem to be doing very well out of the Duke of Edinburgh Awards Award programme these days! A very ‘big thank’ you to Ben Mead of The Gryphon School who started a 3-month stint last month. If you see him in action, do show your appreciation!
Parish Council Meetings in October: Full Council: 1st; Planning Committee: Tuesday 15th.
Meetings take place in the Town Hall and start at 7pm. Members of the public are welcome to attend and can address the meeting with questions or comments from 7-7.15pm. If you would like to attend but would experience access difficulties, please let us know in advance and we will relocate to the Community Room downstairs.